Missing Kent

Canterbury. Missing Canterbury, Kent, UK. We are still in Kent County, Delaware. I remember mentioning some things we would miss when we left for Canterbury. So I thought I would mention somethings we miss about Canterbury. Let's start off with food. The girls still ask for bakewell tarts and flapjacks. There are different varieties of … Continue reading Missing Kent


No, not Lady door from London Below. The kind you open and shut. There is a lot of variety here. I realized while walking around (we have done a lot of that) that there are not only many different colors of doors, but also many different styles. I know there are different styles in the … Continue reading Door


We had to make a trip to campus for school business and to get M updated on her shots. M did pretty well with her shot. She kind of had a delayed reaction and cried for a couple minutes and then walked out waving bye bye. N was very happy to see (and name) many … Continue reading Outing


We had our first Halloween in England! N had the chance to participate in 3 ways. The church we are going to had what is called a Light Party on Friday. The City Centre, with its many shops, had a trick or treat time in a certain area on Saturday. And of course, trick or treating on Monday. … Continue reading Halloween